Ego sum, Ego existo

The human eye does not always see in the same way that the photography apparatus sees (here by the term photography apparatus we mean its common iterations, such as film cameras, medium format cameras, DSLR cameras, mirrorless cameras, bridge cameras, compact digital cameras, smartphone cameras, action cameras, etc.). I can be shown an image of…

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Without separation, no contact. Separation is the necessary precursor to contact. It is irrelevant whether a painted thing is a being or a non-being. Painting confirms the painted thing as being as such. The lemon is the lemon. There is nothing outside the lemon which is the lemon. Obviously lemons can cease to exist. In…

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Sustainable Prospects – Week 9

In this blog post, I would like to set myself the task of answering the following question: how does one distance photography from nostalgia and allow it instead to manifest its pure meaning? In my previous blog posts, I repeatedly argued in various ways to the effect that most of the canons of art that…

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